Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Rest of the Weekend (including the TV stand from Hell)

I was planning on updating last night, but I ended up watching It Happened One Night, an old black and white movie that I got at the library.  I've always wanted to watch the movies that were listed by the American Film Institute as the top 100 and figured that this would be a great place to start.  It's really unique movie because it was the first (and one of three total) to win all five major Academy Awards - Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, and Screenplay.  After the movie, I was exhausted and headed to straight to bed.  

OK, back to the update - Saturday evening, Andrew and I headed to Hofbrauhaus in Pittsburgh's Southside Works.  The food was pretty good - the pretzels and bier cheese were the best.  Even though we enjoyed it, I would say it placed third out of our the four places we went over the whole weekend.  It probably would have ranked a lot higher if either of us enjoyed beer more.

Following dinner, we went to see Toy Story 3.  It was SO good.  I'd recommend it to anyone, but based on Rotten Tomatoes reviews ( it doesn't seem like 3D would be worth the extra money.

Sunday started out really well.  We walked to another Pittsburgh institution, Pamela's in Shadyside.  This place was awesome.  They had amazing hotcakes that were really thin, almost like crepes.  I ordered three of them and couldn't believe how delicious they were.  As a girl who also enjoys breakfast meats, the sausage was also great!  A friend of mine had said that Pamela's gets super busy later in the morning, so we went around 9:00 AM and got done eating by 10:00 or so.  We had planned to go to mass at Pittsburgh's cathedral, which is right between my house and the university, but the next mass didn't begin until noon.  This left us a lot of time to kill, and we decided to spend it back at my apartment putting together my TV stand.  Andrew's graduation present to me was a new TV for my living room.  Because I already had enough stuff to move from Columbus, we decided that it made more sense to wait and buy the TV in Pittsburgh while he visited.  With no TV,  I hadn't yet put together the stand (it was one of the many IKEA purchases from my parent's trip).

Andrew and I got to work.  It was definitely slow because I own one screw driver, so we couldn't really work simultaneously.  We got a system going; one of us would use the screw driver and the other person would look ahead to next step and get things ready for it.  It took over and hour, but finally we had almost all of it together.  At that point, we flipped it over and realized that two of the pieces on the front of the stand were flipped around and their unfinished sides were exposed to the outside (it looked SO stupid).  What's worse was that the two pieces were some of the first to go on, meaning there was NO easy way to fix it.  Essentially, we took the entire stand apart and then put it all back together.  Andrew told me that it was his nightmare - I was just glad that were able to fix it!

After dealing with the stand, we went to mass at the cathedral and lunch at Mineo's.  I think Andrew would agree with me in saying that this was the best meal of the weekend.  Mineo's is a famous, award-winning, over 50 years old pizza place in Squirrel Hill, about 2 miles from my place.  I found it on multiple websites that listed the best pizza in Pittsburgh.  I will definitely be making return trips there!

The rest of the afternoon was spent TV shopping and movie watching - (As Good as It Gets, again free from the public library!)


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