Friday, June 25, 2010

A good night and a rough morning

Last night was a blast.  I went out with a friend I met at Second Look Weekend, a weekend in May when all of the admitted students are invited to help make their final decisions.  She's also a starting first year working in a lab for the summer.  We got dinner at Harris Grill, a restaurant on my street.  The onion rings were to die for!

This morning will not be so great.  I have to get a TB test.  Apparently, starting medical school involves lots of immunizations.  It makes sense, after all I will be around a lot of sick people in the next few years.  This TB test is such a big deal because I have an irrational fear of needles.  I know what you might be thinking, "How can you be afraid of needles and become a doctor?"  Let me clarify, I'm NOT afraid of sticking a needle in someone else - I could stick a needle in someone right now.  I AM afraid of having a needle stuck in me.  I'm trying to tell myself that it will be quick and painless, but I'm not sure that fear has subsided.  Honestly, my main goal is "do not pass out." Updates will be provided following the shot.

Some exciting news: Andrew (my boyfriend) will be here this weekend!


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