Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I have gone green!

In fact, I have gone so green that "going green" should be re-termed "going Brittany." How did I undergo this transformation? Not only did I use public transportation to get from work to class and back, but I did something even more impressive. I walked to the grocery store. I used canvas bags instead of the throwaway plastic ones. I then carried my groceries home. Seriously, I feel like my carbon footprint is now about the size of a toddler's foot. It can only get so small though; after all, a girl has got cool down her apartment.

In other news, today was my first day of work and class. Yes, two days after graduating, I had class and work. The worst part of the straight from OSU to Pitt transition was that my one day off was full of moving, unpacking, and assembling furniture (OK - confession: watching my dad assemble furniture). Moving was hard. When I say hard, I don't me emotionally; I mean physically. Carrying a mattress up four ramps is my hell.

OK, back to my discussion on work. I'm spending the summer in a research rotation. The lab I'll be with studies HPV (the cervical cancer virus) and the way in which it changes gene expression to cause cancer. Pretty cool, huh? After getting acclimated to the lab, I was sent on a two hour journey to get my IDs. Four of them to be exact: a Pitt ID, a Medical Center ID, a medical student ID, and a student lounge ID. I look ridiculous with them all clipped to my shirt. They're so heavy that one side of my shirt is weighed down and looks lopsided. Plus, I planned for the humidity of the day NOT the picture-taking, and wore my hair up in a twisty bun. As a result, it looks like have a brown tumor growing on the side of my head in ALL FOUR PICTURES.

Speaking of pictures, I have decided that each of my journal articles will be accompanied by a picture of my life in the 'burgh. Here's the first one:

This is the exterior of my apartment. Interior photos are coming soon!

Until tomorrow,