Sunday, June 27, 2010

"We make Ukranian party"

I have SO many updates from this weekend.  Let's start with Friday night, a night that will go down in infamy.  One of the girls that I work with had a party at her house, partly to celebrate her birthday.  She's from the Ukraine, and the email that she sent out said "On Friday, we make Ukrainian party."  I could tell that I was in for a treat!

We showed up at 6:00, and she had quite a spread!  There were potato pancakes, kabobs, and fresh mozzarella cheese.  Our host told us that were two requirements to meeting Ukrainian standards of hospitality. 1) Your guests must leave full.  2) Your guests must leave drunk.  She was especially emphatic about point number 2 and described the two ways that Ukranians drink vodka as "quickly and very quickly."  (Don't worry, as a driver, I was very responsible!)  There were also "Ukranian contests" at this party.  Two of them to be exact.

Contest number 1: One person is the "guesser."  A number of ping pong balls are placed in one of those flimsy produce bags they have at the grocery store.  The guesser doesn't know the number, but everyone else does.  The guesser has to figure out how many ping pong balls are in the bag by sitting on the bag and using his or her hiney.  I wish, deeply, that I was kidding.

Good news: I was one of three people to guess the number right.  Though, I'm not sure if that is something to brag about.

Contest number 2: A pen is attached to fishing line.  The fishing line is tied around the contestant's waist so that the pen hangs down from the contestant's backside.  The contestant tries to lower the pen into an empty bottle.  This one made for some fantastic laughs!

The jury is still out on whether or not either of these games are authentically Ukranian.  I'm convinced she just googled "How to make your party guests look and feel ridiculous."

Overall though, the party was an absolute blast!  More updates from the weekend (including details of Andrew's visit!) will be coming soon.

Until tomorrow,

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