Monday, June 28, 2010

The Strip, a somewhat disappointing meal, and a very disappointing game

Following the Ukranian party on Friday night, Andrew rolled into town a little before 11:00 PM.  That didn't leave much time for exploring the city, so we postponed until the morning.

We started with a trip to the Strip, best described as a market meets ethic grocery stores meets interesting boutiques meets food-on-a-stick.  We didn't have anything in particular we really wanted to do or buy, it was more about taking in the sights and smells.  Our Strip visit started with a visit to the Pennsylvania Macaroni Company, a local staple.  It hits close to my heart because it's an Italian grocer that has almost everything imported.  One of the best things about Penn Mac is the cheese room.  Literally, it is a room with a giant cheese counter.  People grab numbers and wait patiently for longggg periods of time to buy fairly exotic cheeses.  I wanted to take a picture of the whole thing to post on the blog, thinking that a picture would be easier to understand than my explanation.  So, I whipped out my camera, snapped a few shots, and Andrew and I started to head to the next room.  Andrew then stopped, and said "Um, Britt, I'm pretty sure he's trying to get your attention." I looked over, and there was an older, incredibly intimidating Italian deli-man who was flagging me down.  We made eye contact, and he said, "Did you take a picture in here?"  My stomach dropped.  I knew that I probably just broke some unwritten century-old rule about photographing their cheese.  Now, I was in deep trouble.  He just stared at me, and I slowly nodded.  Then, he got this goofy smile on his face and laughed, "Did you get my good side?" *WHEW* Scary run in with potentially angry italiano averted.

As it was nearing lunch, Andrew and I decided to grab food.  There were so many stands selling everything from gyros to calamari to ribs, but we ultimately settled on giving Primanti's, an actual restaurant, a try.  For those of you who are unfamiliar, Primanti's is a Pittsburgh institution that is famous for sandwiches that have the slaw and french fries right on them.  I'd see it on the Food Network and heard about it dozens of times, but I hadn't yet tried it.  Andrew and I each ordered one of the sandwiches -  he got the cheesesteak, and I got the turkey and cheese.  People around us really seemed to be digging their food, so we started to get excited about our meal.  Unfortunately, (and I know native Pittsburghers may hate me for saying this!) I just wasn't that impressed.  There was very little meat and the fries were mushy and unseasoned.  On the bright side, the bread was great, and the meal definitely filled me up.  Leaving Primanti's, Andrew and I said almost the exact same thing: "I'm glad we tried it, but I don't really feel the need to go back."  The good news is that we did end up eating some excellent food later in the day and the next day - more on that tomorrow!

From the Strip, we met up with some of my med school friends to watch the US-Ghana game.  Man, was that a toughie.  I read on someone's facebook (I wish I could remember who!) that the theme song for this World Cup should have been "Quit Playing Games with my Heart."  It's so true.  

Well, that's was the first half of Saturday - the rest of the weekend will be detailed tomorrow!  

(Quick side story from today - I went for a run, and it started pouring after the first few minutes.  I decided to ignore the rain and finish.  When I got home, I immediately took off my wet shoes and socks.  Apparently, during the run, a scab on my foot had come open.  In my efforts to get dried off, I didn't realize this at all.  I then proceeded to walk around my apartment in an effort to find my cell phone.  It turned into a multi-room search.  At some point, I stopped to think about where I saw before I left for the run.  While I was thinking, I noticed something on the floor.  Looking down, I then thought "Hm, what is that red mark on the floor?"  It was blood.  Coming from my foot.  And it was everywhere.  Literally, 15 blood footprints were in random spots around my apartment.  It was both disgusting and a little creepy.  I disinfected everything and couldn't help but think that maybe this was a higher power's way of telling me that I'm better off not exercising.)

Oh!  Almost forgot - pictures!

Cheese room!

Andrew preparing for his first (and likely only) Primanti's experience

Excited Brittany! 

Until tomorrow,

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