Monday, July 26, 2010

Cedar Point/the Cleve

This weekend was spent at Cedar Point and in Cleveland and as a direct result was a huge success.  

Before I get to that action though, let me say that my lab continues to be amazing.  On Friday, at 2:00, we all went to this sports bar called Buffalo Blues and ate, drank, and played darts for over four hours.  I'm actually not bad at darts which is extremely surprising considering that a large amount of aim is involved, and I'm generally not allowed to toss anything, ever.  I capped off that evening with a walk around the neighborhood and some laundry.  

On Saturday, things really started to get interesting.  Here's something that baffles me.  It takes me just over three hours to drive from my apartment in Pittsburgh to my house on OSU's campus.  It took me just under three hours to get from my apartment in Pittsburgh to Cedar Point.  Confusing?  I definitely think so, yet magically I left my place in the 'burgh at 7:00 AM and arrived in Cedar Point's parking lot before 10.  

Before I continue with tales of my day, let me give you some advice.  Never drive into an amusement park by yourself.  I was in the car alone because the rest of my party was en route from Columbus.  I got some of the saddest looks ever.  People's faces read. "Oh, that's sad.  She came to Cedar Point by herself."  When I pulled up to pay for parking, the girl who took my money leaned forward to look into my car, as if she was trying to determine if I had actually come alone.  I wanted to say, "I'M MEETING PEOPLE!" but it didn't seem worth it.

When my Andrew and my roommates Darci and Amanda and Amanda's fiancé Eric and Eric's coworker Kevin (crazy group, huh?) arrived, I was waiting at the gates, trying to look engrossed in my map and avoid looks of pity from passers-by.  The six of us moved through the park pretty efficiently.  We hit all of the coasters that I was looking forward to - Millennium Force, Magnum, Raptor, and the new one, the Maverick.  For those who haven't been to Cedar Point since the Maverick opened, I would strongly suggest riding it, even if you have to wait in line for an hour.  Speaking of lines, I freely admit that I am somewhat annoying to wait with because if the line is long enough, I will make people play games.  Even if they don't want to at first (which Darci didn't), my persistence is such that by the time fifteen minutes have gone by, they will give in (which Darci did!).  We played the alphabet game: I'm going on a trip and I'm bringing aerosol hairspray, and Brittany, and carrots, and so on until you get to the letter z (zookeeper!).  I loved every minute of it.  Plus, I am a firm believer that game-playing makes the lines seem shorter.  

The only major downside to Cedar Point was the heat.  I'm not sure how hot it actually got, but the forecast was over 90, and it definitely felt that way.  Halfway through the day, we escaped to Snoopyland to eat at the Joe Cool Cafe simply because it was indoors and (weakly) air-conditioned.  While we were in the cafe, our waitress asked if we would be doing one big check or separate, and we responded, "separate."  Andrew and I were just getting a pizza and splitting it though, and when the waitress came to us, he said, "Well, we're ACTUALLY together." (major emphasis on the actually, like "believe it or not but we're together").  He knows how to make me feel special!  Our whole table got a pretty good laugh out of it.

Following Cedar Point, I made the hour and fifteen minute drive to Cleveland where I spent the rest of the weekend with my family and my good friend, Chris, who I met on a short term study abroad trip to London my freshman year and who also was a fellow OSU tour guide.

Now, I'm back in Pittsburgh with only two weeks to go until orientation.  It's crazy how fast this summer has gone! 

Until tomorrow, 

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