Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby, when the lights go out... is really hard to do research.  (Yes, that is a reference to the band Five, famous for approximately 13 minutes while I was in middle school).  Yesterday, the power went out in my lab building.  This is highly unfortunate considering that many of our supplies and experiments require temperature-controlled environments.  I was worried about my cells (that I have been growing for a full week to prepare for an experiment!)  Luckily, the cell incubator was connected to an emergency outlet, so they made it through the outage.  Unfortunately, I had been analyzing some data in an excel document and had even generated a pretty graph which was all lost when the computer shut off unexpectedly.  I can't complain too much though - the extra half hour that I spent redoing that was much better than spending a week to regrow cells.

As promised in my last post, it's picture time!

I'm embracing my heritage in the Irish room at the Cathedral of Learning!

Ellie, looking intense, in a fancy chair.

Darci and Ellie behind bars in the Romanian room.

Showing some Siena love in the Italian room.

I can't remember which room this is, maybe Slovakia?

We rode the incline to the top of Mount Washington!

Pittsburgh's really pretty :-)

Until tomorrow,


  1. Gorgeous. Both you and Pittsburgh (and Ellie and Darci of course) :)

    I can't wait to do fun Pittsburgh things with you!

  2. and don't hate on Five! I loved Five! the entire 13 minutes!


  3. No hate. I loved Five, so much that vividly remember watching their concert special on Disney :-)

    "Can I get your number baby? - Hit me with the seven digits!"
