Monday, July 19, 2010

Birthday Happenings

Here's the timeline of my 22nd birthday:

Thursday, July 15th, 2010, 8:00 AM - I woke up as a 22 year-old.

Thursday, July 15th, 2010, 9:00 AM - My marathon drive to work began.  I live approximately 3 miles from my lab building.  Usually, I can get there in 10 minutes or so.  Not so on Thursday.  The street that leads down to my lab has two bridges over it, one is a highway and the other is a pedestrian bridge.  Well, on my birthday morning, a very large truck thought that he could fit underneath the bridges.  HE WAS WRONG.  He got himself stuck, as I watched in terror five cars back.  There was nowhere for me to go; literally, I sat there for a half hour, watching a truck trying to free himself.

Thursday, July 15th, 2010, 1:00 PM - I met up with Alyssa, a good friend from undergrad who works across the river from me at AE.  We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and split Kaluha cheesecake which the waitress put a pink candle in (clearly, I exude a love for pink!)  Overall, birthday meal #1 was a fantastic success!

Thursday, July 15th, 2010 4:00 PM - I left work.  Unfortunately, as I was driving, I realized that I really had to pee (too much water at the Cheesecake Factory!).  When I arrived home, my keys were no where to be found.  Without them, I have no way into my apartment building let alone my own apartment.  I brainstormed when I had them last and remembered setting them down on the shelf above my work station at the lab, meaning I had to go back.  At that point, though, I really needed to use the restroom, so I first drove to the Giant Eagle down the street, walked in, did my thing, and walked out.  The security guard gave me a very funny look.  Embarrassing, to say the least!

Thursday, July 15th, 2010 5:30 PM - I met up with three lovely med school friends at the Church Brew Works (  The place was AWESOME.  It's an old church that has been gutted and turned into a bar/pub/restaurant.   The old altar has been replaced with beer brewing equipment.  Oh, and the pizza there is amazing!  We got Pittsburgh pierogi pizza and chicken/spinach/alfredo pizza; both pies were incredible.  Dinner was also a wonderful birthday meal - I really like hanging out with other grounded, non-crazy med students - it gives me hope for the coming year!

Thursday, July 15th, 2010 7:30 PM - I went to Sam's house!  (Reminder - Sam is my Ohio State roommate that is from the Pittsburgh area)  She was home because this weekend also marks her 22nd birthday (Happy belated birthday, Samantha!)  We vegged and watched Wipeout and SYTYCD (So you think you can dance!) and drank Asti and ate Buckeyes.  Her mom had assembled a "cake" of Buckeyes that also had a pink candle in it!

Friday, July 16th, 2010, 4:00 PM - I arrived in Ohio!  This was my first weekend home since I moved, almost one month to the day.  To celebrate my birthday, a group of my OSU/Pickerington friends went out to Cazuela's and Little Bar.  At Cazuela's all five girls ordered the same thing - Chimicangas - BUT we each had our own specifics like both beef or one chicken/one beef or both chicken or no beans - and when they all came out, trying to match each person with their order was logic puzzles.  I was one scoop of sour cream away from making a grid system and using X's and O's to figure it all out.  We finally just had to compromise that not everything could be perfect (essentially, Darci had to suck up and leave the beans on her plate!)

Saturday, July 17th, 2010, 1:00 PM - Family birthday celebration.  Let me begin by listing off my family's birthday presents to me (keep in mind that I asked for all of these things, my parents were not trying to punish me):

Toaster, Popcorn maker, Swiffer, Swiffer wetjet, Swiffer refills, Kitchen scissors

I am officially old and boring.  Lunch with family went along with presents, and my mom and I went Easton, where I found some amazing plates that will be used in a wall display (pictures will follow!)

That was all that really comprised the birthday aspects of the last few days.  The rest of the weekend was spent between my family, Andrew, and his family.  Oh, I also saw Inception, which you should go see NOW if you haven't already.  Then, you can tell me your opinion of the ending :-)

Tomorrow's entry will be centered on musings from drive to Ohio and back and a fantastic story about setting up internet.  Look forward to it!

Until then,

1 comment:

  1. I would like it noted that I was only upset about the beans on my plate because I specifically requested NO BEANS (and who can blame me they are disgusting!!)! :) However, it all worked out when our lovely waiter walked out with a no bean plate and several minutes of cutting into chimis and switching plates...we had to look absolutely ridiculous!
