Saturday, August 28, 2010

Surrendering my Life to Anatomy...

Recap of my week:

Monday was day 1 of anatomy.  We covered the thoracic cavity (area around ribs) and were "introduced" to the lab.  After class was done, I went home and worked on a poster that described my research for the summer.  It took almost 8 hours, and when I finally finished it.  I re-watched the day's lecture on line and pre-read for the next day.  Really, that was my whole night.

Tuesday was day 2 of anatomy.  We covered the nervous system, more specifically the autonomic nervous system which automatically and involuntarily regulates the organs.  In lab, we actually started working on our cadavers.  At first, I was excited, but of course my life can never be simple.  I am formaldehyde-sensitve.  What does this mean?  Well, for starters, it means that I an anatomy lab is one of the least enjoyable places for me to be.  How did I find out?  I got light-headed, dizzy, and clammy about 20 minutes into lab.  What is the result?  I have to wear a respiratory mask that filters all the air I breathe.  Multiple people commented on my "special" mask.  I'M THAT GIRL.

Tuesday was also a very exciting day.  I joing the Pal-PITT-tations - PittMed's co-ed acapella group!  Little known fact about me - I can read music and sing on key, and I like doing it!  Practice will be once a week, and I think it will be a fantastic way to escape the science that is currently consuming my life.  Of course, after practice I had to re-watch the day's anatomy lecture and pre-read, but singing for a few hours made that more bearable.

Wednesday was day 1 of two once-a-week classes: Ethics, Law, and Professionalism and Medical Deciscion Making.  Both were OK.  There was no furious note-taking or ridiculous amounts of body parts to remember, so I can't complain.  In the afternoon, we had day 3 of anatomy, including lung dissection. I'm guessing that you know what I did when I got home.

Thursday was day 4 of anatomy.  We started our heart dissection, which made lecture much easier to understand.  When you can see in organ live, the details really come together.  Thursday was also day 1 of my only other once-a-week class: Medical Interviewing.  I actually REALLY like the class; it feels the most like real-doctoring.  We practice interviewing and history-taking with actor-patients and then get feedback from our peers and teacher.  Following class, there was a dinner for all first years that introduced us to our faculty and second-year mentors.  Of course, after that I had to re-watch the day's lecture!

Friday was day 5 of anatomy, which wasn't bad because I was done at noon - whoo-hoo!  I wasn't totally free though - I presented the poster I had worked on Monday night at my research program's annual retreat.

After all of that, I can say that I SURVIVED MY FIRST REAL WEEK OF MEDICAL SCHOOL!  I'm writing this entry as a take a "study break," so I guess it's now back to the books for me!


1 comment:

  1. 1. You deserve a special mask. Want to know why? Because you're special. Who wants to be breathing in formaldehyde anyway? If you want, when you come home to me for Halloween we can paint it pink and bedazzle it!!!!! GAHHHHH!
    2. I would die if I had to do what you do for a grade.
    3. I cannot wait to hear your singing group :) I am a super super proud best friend.
