Thursday, September 2, 2010

Striving for productivity

Yesterday was SUCH a long day.  I was in the medical school buildings for 12 hours.  12 HOURS.  Then, when I finally got back to my sad, neglected apartment, I studied anatomy.

One of my classes yesterday was Ethics, Law, and Professionalism.  Our topic was informed consent, the idea that people have to OK their medical treatment without coercion.

Here were two examples given by our professor on what NOT to do:
1. Scare a patient into treatment by threatening to reveal his interactions with prostitutes.
2. Tell grandma that she needs to sign a DNR so that you can pay for college.

Thank you, professor.  Had you not told me, I probably would have done both of those things.

Today, I have been a very productive little med student.  I had class for 8 hours, then I ran to the bank, got home, did laundry, made brownies for my small group, cleaned my living room, and started studying!

Most importantly, I am using the internet to follow my BUCKEYES.  It's hard knowing I won't see any games in person this year, but I did find a OSU Alumni group that gets together at a local bar to watch the games!


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