Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Born-Again Athlete

Here are the headlines from the world of Britt:

I'm a born-again athlete!  For those of you who didn't know me in high school, I used to be a cross-country and track athlete.  I was never great, but I was also never terrible, just kind of somewhere in the middle.  As a result of those activities, I did a lot of running.  So much running, in fact, that I was voted "Best Legs" by the marching band my senior year (forget medical school - that is a lifetime accomplishment!)  Since high school ended, though, I have only sporadically exercised.  I've gone to the gym every once in a while, and played REALLY low-impact "D" league rec soccer.  All of that is about to change - I'm going to run a 10K!  There's a race in Pittsburgh in eight weeks called the "Great Race" which is almost entirely downhill (my kind of race).  I found an on-line training program for novices that maps out eight weeks' worth of work-outs.  I also have been using an awesome tool - - that uses google maps and allows me to draw in routes and determine their distances.  So far, it's day three of training, and I'm chugging along - updates will follow.

This week is also important because it's my last week in the lab.  Doesn't it seem like it's gone by so fast?  I'm currently wrapping up all of my work and drafting an abstract and poster for an upcoming presentation at my program's annual retreat.  The last week in the lab is also significant because it means THAT I START MEDICAL SCHOOL NEXT WEEK.

(Side note - The amount of emails that I am getting from the medical school is beginning to rival the amount of email that I got from the University Ambassadors.  Yikes.)

Final headline - I put up new wall art - pictures will follow tomorrow!

Until then :-)


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