Friday, September 17, 2010

Hello, Columbus!

I passed my anatomy exam!  Whoo hoo!  One test down, who knows how many more to go!

Other than that little gem, my life has been pretty typical this week.  Following the exam on Monday, we jumped right into the next section of anatomy: head and neck.  I have come to the quick conclusion that the brain and nervous system are just not my thing.

I also had Pal-PITT-tations practice.  This week, there were some solo auditions (no, I did not try out for any solos) - but it was great to watch the try-outs and give input on the final decisions.

Now, I AM HOME!  I just had a mini-reunion with my doggies.  They were excited to see me.  Or maybe just excited to have someone around to let them out and feed them.  But I'm going to let myself believe it's me they're excited about.

"Why did Britt go to Columbus?" you might wonder.  It's the last weekend of wedding-pallooza!  I am going out with a major bang - I have TWO weddings to go to tomorrow.  It's going to be quite festive, let me tell you.

Time to go study!

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