Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oh, Netflix, you addictive-instant-movie-service, you

So Andrew was here this weekend!  Thank goodness for Labor Day and all of its extra-day-off glory.

While he was here, we decided to keep things pretty low key (except for a division 3 football game with my grandparents who happened to be near town, a trip to the mall, and a dinner out).  Instead of hiking all over town, we decided to bunker in and relax.  I suggested that we check out the instant-view list on Netflix (my replacement for cable now that I live alone).  We perused through some TV shows, and ultimately decided to go with Dexter.  We've both heard ridiculously good things about it, and it seemed like something we could reasonably agree on (not too girl a la Sex in the City or too manly a la 24).

Before I knew it, 12 hours of the weekend were gone, and we had finished the entire first season.

Moral of the story: Netflix is amazing.  And Dexter is addictive.

For those who don't know the show is about a blood spatter analyst who moonlights as a vigilante serial killer.  At one point, Dexter was describe cuts to major arteries (femoral, subclavian, jugular) and I had a geeking-out moment where I mentally ran through the locations of each of them.  See, TV CAN be educational!

Until next time (if anatomy doesn't kill me between now and then!)


  1. B to the T to the W, Dexter gives me nightmares. Squidlike Amy will not allow for such things whilst I am there.

  2. Oh Britt, I love your geeking out on doctory stuff!
