Monday, November 22, 2010

Motivation Tank = Drained

I can practically smell the turkey.  Why won't Thanksgiving break just get here already?!

I have spent the last 5 days avoiding my genetics studying.  On Thursday, I made a few flashcards, but then I went to talent show (solo went well, btw :-D)  On Friday, I studied for a few hours, but then I went downtown to see the Christmas Tree Lighting.  On Saturday, I finally started to crackdown with only a minor break for Ohio State, and on Sunday, I was able to continue the streak until dinner when I just gave in and succumbed to the internet/email/TV/phone calls.

Today, though, it just isn't happening.  I keep trying, but it's like my brain has put a mental lock on the door to successful studying.  I've come to the conclusion that the only way to unlock the door is to feed it delicious corn casserole and cranberry sauce and let it spend lots of time with its friends and family.  At least, I hope that's a viable solution because a girl has got to start feeling productive at some point, right?

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