Thursday, September 30, 2010

Scaife High School

I've come to the conclusion that medical school is actually just a regression back to high school.  I submit the following examples as proof:

1.  I never leave Scaife Hall.  It's just like I'm back at Pickerington North.  Unless I go out of the building for lunch, I don't even see much daylight anymore.

2.  I have a locker

3.  I change between classes.  In high school, I changed for gym and occasionally band.  Now, I change for anatomy lab.  Believe it or not, a high school gym locker room actually smells better than an anatomy one.

4.  I have classes with the same people.  All day.  Everyday.

5.  I carry a book bag everywhere.  During undergrad, I didn't have much to carry - maybe a notebook, a binder, and a pencil bag - so I opted for the ever-so-stylish Vera Bradley tote.  Now, I carry textbooks, anatomy atlases, and inch-think course packets on a daily basis.  The Vera just won't do.

In summary, I'm a letter jacket away from being back in the tenth grade.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My family is ridiculously amazing.

Exhibit A:

All of the grandchildren (minus my brother who was playing soccer at the time) and my 87 year-old grandma crammed into a photo booth at my cousin's wedding.  Even Grandma followed the "Look up to the right" instructions in the last picture!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What do you say?

In my quest to take a rigorous break from studying, I happened upon an interesting survey on our nation's names for soft drinks.  There are three general categories: pop, soda, and coke.  As a Midwestern girl, I have lived a pop-centric lifestyle.  Though, my travels have often demonstrated the diversity of our nation on the issue.  I find the two little pockets of yellow around Wisconsin and St. Louis particularly interesting - how do such things happen?  With that question, I think I should return to my cranial nerve flashcards :-)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

It must be game day...

...because my dogs are looking pretty spiffy ;-)

Maddie and Duke say, "Go Bucks!"

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hello, Columbus!

I passed my anatomy exam!  Whoo hoo!  One test down, who knows how many more to go!

Other than that little gem, my life has been pretty typical this week.  Following the exam on Monday, we jumped right into the next section of anatomy: head and neck.  I have come to the quick conclusion that the brain and nervous system are just not my thing.

I also had Pal-PITT-tations practice.  This week, there were some solo auditions (no, I did not try out for any solos) - but it was great to watch the try-outs and give input on the final decisions.

Now, I AM HOME!  I just had a mini-reunion with my doggies.  They were excited to see me.  Or maybe just excited to have someone around to let them out and feed them.  But I'm going to let myself believe it's me they're excited about.

"Why did Britt go to Columbus?" you might wonder.  It's the last weekend of wedding-pallooza!  I am going out with a major bang - I have TWO weddings to go to tomorrow.  It's going to be quite festive, let me tell you.

Time to go study!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Excuse my absence from the blogosphere; I have been selling my soul to the anatomy devil in return for a passing grade.  Tomorrow marks an important moment: my first test of medical school.

Let me just say, I have studied more for this one test that I did for entire quarters of OChem.  (For those of you who knew me back then, you can attest to how much time that truly is).  This weekend alone, I have studied 30 hours.  IN ONE WEEKEND.  Unfortunately that included a late Friday night trip to the cadaver lab which I can summarize with one long compound word: creepy-as-all-get-out.

The test will have two components.  1) A 50-choice multiple choice section. 2) A "what is this body part?" lab practical identification section.  Luckily, both my "practice pratical" and practice written portion were both mostly OK.  Still, I just want to get tomorrow over with!

Say a little pray for me!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oh, Netflix, you addictive-instant-movie-service, you

So Andrew was here this weekend!  Thank goodness for Labor Day and all of its extra-day-off glory.

While he was here, we decided to keep things pretty low key (except for a division 3 football game with my grandparents who happened to be near town, a trip to the mall, and a dinner out).  Instead of hiking all over town, we decided to bunker in and relax.  I suggested that we check out the instant-view list on Netflix (my replacement for cable now that I live alone).  We perused through some TV shows, and ultimately decided to go with Dexter.  We've both heard ridiculously good things about it, and it seemed like something we could reasonably agree on (not too girl a la Sex in the City or too manly a la 24).

Before I knew it, 12 hours of the weekend were gone, and we had finished the entire first season.

Moral of the story: Netflix is amazing.  And Dexter is addictive.

For those who don't know the show is about a blood spatter analyst who moonlights as a vigilante serial killer.  At one point, Dexter was describe cuts to major arteries (femoral, subclavian, jugular) and I had a geeking-out moment where I mentally ran through the locations of each of them.  See, TV CAN be educational!

Until next time (if anatomy doesn't kill me between now and then!)

Monday, September 6, 2010


I just realized that the notebooks I bought at Staples to study anatomy are wide-ruled.  It's like I'm in fourth grade all over again.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Striving for productivity

Yesterday was SUCH a long day.  I was in the medical school buildings for 12 hours.  12 HOURS.  Then, when I finally got back to my sad, neglected apartment, I studied anatomy.

One of my classes yesterday was Ethics, Law, and Professionalism.  Our topic was informed consent, the idea that people have to OK their medical treatment without coercion.

Here were two examples given by our professor on what NOT to do:
1. Scare a patient into treatment by threatening to reveal his interactions with prostitutes.
2. Tell grandma that she needs to sign a DNR so that you can pay for college.

Thank you, professor.  Had you not told me, I probably would have done both of those things.

Today, I have been a very productive little med student.  I had class for 8 hours, then I ran to the bank, got home, did laundry, made brownies for my small group, cleaned my living room, and started studying!

Most importantly, I am using the internet to follow my BUCKEYES.  It's hard knowing I won't see any games in person this year, but I did find a OSU Alumni group that gets together at a local bar to watch the games!
