Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hot Off the Press

So the world news has been quite a buzz recently.  Between the Royal Wedding, death of the world's most notorious American-hater, and the release of Obama's long form birth certificate (sense the sarcasm here), my life has seemed relatively chill lately.

I will admit that I woke up a little earlier than normal to catch the tail of the wedding.  I was a little leery of making a big deal out of it because I was hosting a prospective med student for Pitt's Second Look Weekend (Some of you may remember me going last year.  It's the medical school's last effort to recruit anyone who may be undecided.  It's also a great way for students to see the city and school again and try to find roommates).  I was worried that the girl staying with me would totally judge my alarm clock going off and extra hour and half early, but luckily she was into the whole thing too.  Kate looked amazing (as if there was any doubt!) - I loved both of her dresses.  If you've only seen pictures of the first one, google image search the second immediately.

Actual Second Look Events consumed most of my Friday.  I'm the Student Admissions Team Coordinator here, which essentially means I provided a supporting role for the Second Look planning process.  As a result, I got to attend breakfast, lunch, AND dinner (whoo hoo free food!), and got to interact with tons of the potential newbies.

In between all of that madness, the first year medical students did have another very important event: the Remembrance Ceremony for all those who donate their bodies to better our education.  Members of our class spoke, read poetry, played instruments, and sang (PalPITTations sang a beautiful version of "Old Irish Blessing" that I was super proud of!).  Family members of donors were invited to attend, and it seems like many people were very moved by our class's efforts.  I got a little teary during a performance of "For Good" from Wicked, but I attribute largely to the fact that it was sung at my high school graduation and has made me weepy ever since.  

Following the end of the Second Look festivities, I engaged in some retail therapy with Carly and celebrated her birthday with a large group of her friends.  Nights out like that remind me that I'm a real person and not just a med student.  Here's a fantastic picture from the celebration:

We have another exam this week (already!), so I'm grinding away.  Andrew's coming to town this weekend though, so I definitely have something to look forward to!

Until next time,

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