Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pittsburgh, you are SO backwards sometimes

Today, I decided that someone broke into my car.  There were a couple of things that led me to this conclusion:

1. The glove compartment was open.
2. Items that are usually in the glove compartment were strewn about the floor.
3. I can't remember the last time that I opened the glove compartment or the last time anyone who has been in my car has opened it.

I think that whoever did this got away with the screeny-portion of my Garmin.  It's really hard to say though, because I have a habit of taking it out of my car (for this exact reason) and carrying it around in one of the bazillions of purses/totes that I use.  No luck locating it so far though.  Additionally, both the cord and clip were left behind.  Meaning, that whoever committed this heinous (yes, heinous) crime probably got a few blocks with the damn thing propped up against the front window before it died, fell off the dash, and was rendered completely useless.

Initially, I wasn't going to do anything about it.  Even if my Garmin is gone, calling the police and filing a report is surely not going to bring it back.  How do know this?  Because in the span of my relationship with Andrew, he has had a car broken into and a Blackberry and laptop taken and another ENTIRE car stolen, and yet even with a very thorough report taken in each case, none of those items have been seen since.

I had a change of heart though, when my friend Carly told me that she overheard a girl at Crazy Mocha talking about a car break-in.  Things you should know:

1. Crazy Mocha is amazing and is easily the best place to study within walking distance of my apartment.
2. Crazy Mocha is on my street so...
3. ....if that her had her car broken into, MAYBE IT WAS THE SAME PERSON.

Clearly, Shadyside has fallen victim to a repeat offender.

I am the daughter of  (1) a police officer and (2) a woman who has what some may call "an unhealthy interest in cop shows."  I was raised to know when justice needs to be served, so I decided to inform the authorities.  After consulting with my dad, I learn that I should probably be able to file a report on line and avoid having to deal with an actual cop showing up at my apartment.  This worked for me, as at this point, I had already put on pajamas and definitely was not going outside in pink polka dot boxer shorts.

After perusing the Pittsburgh Police Department website for any info on filing a report and encountering no success, I decide to call my local zone.  A seemingly noncooperative officer answered.  Here's what followed:

Officer: How can I help you?
Me: I would like to file a report.  I think my car was broken into.
Officer: What does that mean, you think?
Me: I'm sorry. I know my car was broken into.  The glove box was open, and items were strewn about.   
Officer: Well, you're going to have to call 911.
Me: I'm sorry, I'm probably not being clear.  This did not just happen, and no one is in any danger, I just want to file a report so that the police are aware that the incident occurred in case similar case arise in my area.
Officer: I do understand, and you have to call 911.  That's the only way to file a report.
Me: *dumb-founded shock*

So, I give in and call 911.  Here's what followed:

Operator: 911 what's the location of your emergency.
Me: Um, it's really not an emergency, but 5*** Ellsworth Ave.
Operator: What do you mean its not an emergency?
Me: My car was broken into hours ago, I just want to report it and was told that this is how I was to go about it.
Operator: We can send someone out right away to take care of that report.
Me (uncomfortably shifting in my pink polka dot boxers): I was told that I can do this over the phone, so I would much prefer that.
Operator: Oh, well the person who takes phone reports is gone for the day.  You can call back tomorrow.
Me: Call back tomorrow?
Operator: Yes, dial 911 during business hours tomorrow.

OK, Pittsburgh, I put up with a lot of your nonsense.  The Pittsburgh Left.  The extreme lack of length that your on-ramps allow for getting up to speed.  The absence of an Express on Walnut.  But really?  911 IS FOR EMERGENCIES.  NOT SILLY CAR BREAK-INS THAT DO NOT MATTER.  I just really hope that no one was in trouble and struggling to get through to the police while I was wasting everyone's time by speaking to a 911 operator about my mysteriously open glove box.  And really, if a small suburb of Columbus, OH can have online report-taking, why in the world can't you?

Pittsburgh, just know we're not on the best of terms right now.  If you keep up the nice weather and somehow I get my hands on a few pierogies in the next few days, we can probably kiss and make-up.

In other news, Andrew visited and brought me amazinggg cookies.  I wanted to post pictures but they're on his cell phone and he's not awake anymore so I guess it's not going to happen tonight.

I do, however, have this lovely gem to share (note its sideways, and I'm way too tired to figure out how to change that at this point):


Someone who lives in apartment building threw away a Christmas tree today.  Possible explanations?  I've got none.

Until tomorrow!


  1. I'M SO GLAD YOU ARE STILL ALIVE!!! I'm concerned for your safety. You need to move to Indianapolis immediately, and we shall adopt a very large and intimidating looking (but snuggly) dog and install a high tech alarm system.

    Deal? Good.

  2. Stumbled upon your blog by accident and saw this post - I am relatively new to Pittsburgh and I, too, think the "call 911 for non-emergencies" policy is dumb. I wanted to report that someone was blocking part of my driveway and the fire hydrant in front of my house and was told to call 911. I said "That's stupid, it's not an emergency, unless my house spontaneously combusts and the fire dept. needs access to the hydrant" but they said "That's the policy. Call 911." So I did, feeling like it was a waste of 911 resources to do so.

    I'm the daughter of a former cop and a mom who has a healthy interest in cop shows, too, btw. :)
