Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Best Easter Hunter EVER

I definitely have the best dad ever.  And here's why:

As a little girl, every Easter, my mom set up a trail of clues that led to our baskets and presents.  The first clue would say something like "Clue #2 is making a call," and the second clue would be hidden behind the phone.  Over the years, the clues did get harder, and the hunt was eventually was taken over by my dad.  With that change, the clues became a serious of puzzles, requiring code-cracking, application of trivial knowledge, and somewhat confusing puns.  I like to think of it as my own personal version of National Treasure.  Here were some highlights from this year's hunt:

The first clue was hidden inside and egg that was covered in tape.  LOTS of tape.  Not necessarily a mental challenge, but a challenge nonetheless.  It included the formula for the volume of a cone and eventually led to a basket of pine cones that sits in our family room.

For a later clue, Andrew and I had to look up the periodic table on his cell phone to change a series of numbers into words.  (Example: 1 = H for Hydrogen).  This code eventually spelled out a hint that lead to a statuette from my days in dance class.

I found the statuette...

...And the clue!  I believe that one led to a mounted fish in our study - it was a play on WALL-E sounding similar to Walleye.  Not even kidding.

Eventually, I (with some definite help from Andrew) made it all the way through.  My prize?  An adorable new Vera tote.  Oh, and like a gajillion peanut butter eggs.  YUM :-)

Next year, I'll have to save all of the clues so I can see how many you all could have cracked!  

Happy (week after) Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Love it. Sounds like the kind of torture I subject my students to if they want to earn their Game Day Viernes. ;)

    BTW, I enjoy the Reds game on in the background...
