Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I promise I'm still alive!

Sorry about my absence from the blog-o-sphere.  I have been hidden away in the medical school and library.  Biochem final is tomorrow and I am feeling the pressure!

Before I fell into the biochem trap, I promised pics from Fallingwater, and here they are!  Two weekends ago, I drove down to Fallingwater with Darci - it was incredible.  If you ever find yourself in Western Pennsylvania in autumn, you simply have to go.

Look how pretty!

This is as close to nature as we get!

Note - We did actually tour the house as well, but they had a very strict no interior photos policy.  Kind of a bummer. 

Last weekend was also filled with excitement - I got to go home for Homecoming and birthdays.  Seriously, half the people I know have birthdays in October (observation and possible explanation - October is nine months after Valentine's Day...)  Over the course of the weekend, I celebrated my Mom's birthday at Brio, Andrew's birthday with a family celebration, and my grandma's 88th birthday with a family cookout.  Trips home are fantastic because they inevitably mean lots of delicious (and free) food.

In between all of that celebrating, I got to reconnect with old friends at the Homecoming brunch and game.  This weekend marked my first time on campus since graduation - crazy!  It was amazing to see my fellow former HC court members, and my mom and I had a fun cheering on the Buckeyes.  It didn't hurt that they won in a shut-out :-)  Here's a picture of my and fellow '08 court member, Dan, from the Homecoming brunch:

Keep your fingers crossed that my exam goes well - I've got to get back to the books!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck on your exam Brittany! I love hearing about your life! It's so much fun:)
