Friday, October 22, 2010

Nothing like cupcakes to turn a bad day around!

This morning, I woke up and rolled over to look at my alarm clock.  It was 8:19.  I needed to catch the 8:20 bus.  Panic immediately set in, and I got dressed in a business casual outfit (today was a patient interviewing day, meaning I had to look professional) in 3.5 minutes.  Seriously, I woke up at 8:19 and was out the door by 8:24.  While I likely set some record for getting-ready-under-pressure, I still missed my bus.

So, I stood dejectedly at the bus stop, thinking about how I looked really tired because I had no time for make-up, and wishing that I had stopped to brush my teeth which were super slimy.  I really shouldn't have sacrificed personal hygiene, but I realize that kind of thing is normal for med students.

I was dwelling how terribly the morning started out, and a bus came rambling down the street.  I perked up a little.  As the bus got up to my stop, I could tell it was PACKED.  It was so packed, in fact, that it didn't even stop!  At this point, I was no longer dejected.  Instead, I was fuming.  When I did finally get on bus, I managed to calm down a little.

The rest of my school day went OK; we had a small group case presentation of a baby boy with a genetic defect in a enzyme necessary for digestion.  It was actually a somewhat interesting way to actually apply biochemistry.  Who knew that biochem could actually be applicable?!  I also had my interviewing final and got to ask a woman about her back pain. (This was not nearly as traumatic as sexual history day).

I rounded out the evening with some fun.  My small group had potluck (YUM!) and I made apple spice cupcakes.  (Once I frost them, pictures will come!)

I also have pictures to post from a trip I took to Fallingwater last weekend.  I promise they will come soon too!


PS - I'm headed home for Homecoming and birthday celebrations tomorrow! :-)

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