Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Things that have happened since my last post:

1. Andrew, my mom, and I looked at three wedding venues for the reception.  None of them were quite right, so we're trying again this weekend.  Downside: 2 weekends in a row of long drives for Brittany.

2. Andrew and I have been pre-approved for a mortage!  Updates on home-buying will definitely be coming in the next few weeks as we look at houses.

3. Pittsburgh got cold.  Really, really cold.  It actually has been so cold that I have been sleeping on my couch because it closest to my radiator.  Can summer come back?

I will write a longer post tomorrow, but I thought these points were worth sharing tonight!


1 comment:

  1. 1. Upside: 2 weekends in a row of hanging out with Ellie!!!!!!!!!!! (and, you know, maybe Andrew)

    2. Yay yay yay yay yay!!!!!

    3. :( I know how you feel about cold :( Extra blankets?
