Monday, January 3, 2011

NYE: Britt goes to Chicago....and gets engaged! Part 1

First of all, Andrew and I are engaged!!  This should come as a shock to almost no one who reads my blog, as we are probably facebook friends, and the news has been on facebook for a few days now.

In response to the facebook post, a lot of people (OK, a few people) have asked for some details.  I also wanted to share a few photos from the evening - so here it goes!

Before I get into the engagement, I have to tell you another story.  This story is called "How my life rapidly deteriorated following the loss of my map of Chicago."

I should begin by telling you that I have a collection of Streetwise maps - a specific brand of map that shows a city, its transportation system, and its main attractions in a compact, water-proof form.  I went to Chicago in May with Darci, one of my best friends from OSU, and got a Streetwise map for the trip.  While Darci and I were waiting for a train from Wrigleyville back to our hotel, I was looking at my map.  I already knew exactly how to get back, I was just studying the map for fun - checking out some of the things we'd seen on the trip and figuring out their locations with respect to everything else.  This nice, friendly guy who must have been a Chicago native noticed how intently I was looking at my map.  He, as any normal person would, assumed that I was so engrossed the map because I was trying to figure out how to get somewhere.  We then had a conversation that went something like this:

Friendly guy: Are you looking to get somewhere?
Me: Oh no, we're good thanks.
Friendly guy gestures at map: I just thought maybe you were lost.
Me: Uhhh, I like maps.

SERIOUSLY.  I said "I like maps."

Fast forward to Friday.  Andrew and I arrive in Chicago.  I am very excited to put my Streetwise map to good use.  In fact, I was able to use the map in the car to rescue us when the GPS failed due to all of the tall buildings.  However, when we got to the hotel, my map was no where to be found.  I distinctly remembered holding it as we checked in, but when we got to the guestroom, it was gone.  Gone!

I was distressed.  I really liked that map, and I had already figured out a route to get to dinner and a show that night using it.  What was a girl to do?!  Andrew sensed my panic and sprung into action.  He looked everywhere while I waited in the room for the luggage to show up: the front desk, the downstairs lobby, outside by the valet.  It was no where to be found. 

Then, he came up with another plan; we could buy a new map!  This plan was especially appealing to me for two distinct reasons:
1. It involved maps.
2. It involved shopping.

We headed to Michigan Avenue (The "Magnificent Mile" of Chicago shopping locales).  Unfortunately, the weather was disgusting - super rainy and dreary.  Using our smartphones, we were able to pinpoint a Borders a few blocks from the hotel.  We walked that direction, and stopped in a few stores on the way (60% off at Express is just too hard for me to pass up!).  Honestly, it was nice to stop in stores just to get out of the rain.  When we finally got to Borders, a tragic sight met our eyes: it was out of business.  As in, no maps for sale.

Dejected, we headed back toward the hotel.  I was in a better mood (the shopping helped!), and I wasn't going to let a lost map ruin the trip.  Right before we arrived back at the hotel, Andrew spotted a Walgreens.  He suggested we check it for a map and buy some drinks - the walking had made us thirsty.  The Walgreens was packed, and we shuffled up and down all of the isles looking for a map.  Nothing - not by the magazines, books, cards, or Chicago souvenirs isle.  Right as we were about to check out, we spotted a small display.  There, nestled in the display was the EXACT same map that I had just lost!  SUCCESS!

We bought the map, some pop, and we walked back to hotel: mission accomplished.  

And that concludes part 1 of the Andrew-Brittany Chicago adventures - more to come soon (including the pictures as promised!)

All my love,


  1. 1. You're a huge nerd.
    2. I really like maps, too.
    3. I already knew that you were engaged, but I am SO EXCITED for part 2!!!!

  2. You should rename this post as "Britt goes to Chicago and saves the engagement story for another post"! haha just kidding, but this was a funny story!

  3. Sigh, "Distressed" is an understatement. It was like she had lost her dog or something. If you would have talked to her, you would have thought the entire trip was already ruined.
