Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Two things that should never ever mix: medical school and finals week

UGHHHHH.  That is an onomatopoeia to describe how I feel right now.  Reasons why include:

1.  I have some kind of cold/virus.  It is the sneezy, sniffly, coughy, yucky kind.  You know how you cough when you're sick, and some phlegm comes up?  (I know this may seem gross, but I've dissected a human so my sensitivity so such topics is severely diminished.)  OK, well today I was walking to the bus stop, and I coughed, and that exact thing happened to me.  The problem?  I couldn't spit it out!  I was surrounded by people!  I tried to look for an alley or bush that I could duck behind to spit, but there was nothing.  So, I swallowed it.  Definitely a low point of the day.

2.  I have a final tomorrow.  And and exam the next day.  And another final next week.  And med school tests are hard.  (I apologize, sentence-structure-variation is taking a serious hit today).

3.  Really, I don't have a number 3, I just thought that a list with two items on it seemed a little sad.

I do have exciting pictures to share of things that my Mom and I did during her visit - they will come soon, likely Thursday when I have break from studying and exam-taking.

Back to the books,

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